IMI supports learning.
Our instruments are used world-wide in programs that incorporate physics, science, chemistry, earth sciences, math and related STEM subjects. Extensive curricula have been developed for use with our instruments. In some cases IMI is able to contribute to curricula development, training and even customized instruments. Our instruments are safe, rugged and easy to use and understand for classroom activities. Programs with our instruments have been integrated into classrooms and learning programs from 3rd Grade to University Level and beyond.
We have also trained thousands of First Responders, Hazmat and Public Safety Officers in the use our instruments in radiation safety and security programs.
A short but significant list of users and distributors of our instruments for learning programs include:
- Students Watching Over Planet Earth (SWOOPE), Los Alamos National Laboratories
- Vernier Software
- Fisher Education
- Stanford University
- Dickenson College
- Concord Consortium
- CEMP/Desert Research Institute
Learning activities commonly associated with our instruments include:
- Half-life of radionuclides
- Inverse Square Law
- Characteristics of photons and particles
- Properties and electrical charge of alpha and beta particles
- Interaction of photons and particles with matter
- Learning about common household sources of radiation
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials
The following instruments are designed and manufactured by IMI, or IMI has contributed to the development or manufacturing of them. Each useful application for learning environments:
The RAD100 – This instrument is affordable but also detects alpha, beta, gamma and x-radiation. Audio output can connect to PA system.
The Nano – This DIY kit integrates a geiger counter with an Arduino micro controller, GPS, SD data collection, and an API to share data. This is now available from Kithub.
The IMI Inspector Alert – The large 2 inch pancake detector on this instrument provides extra sensitivity to alpha and beta sources
Onyx – This small gem of a Geiger Counter has the 2 inch pancake detector in a small elegant package, with a color OLED display. It is based on Bunnie Huangʻs reference design, launched by Safecast to help Japan, with contribution by IMI in the signal processing and software development arena. It is produced by IMI in Sebastopol, CA.
GeigerLink – Links our Geiger Counters to an exciting Chrome App that runs on OSX, Windows, Linux, Chromebook and Beaglebone
Custom – Customized instruments, probes and software to support education are a specialty of ours.
High Volume Low Cost – Contact us to get the best pricing from us through our programs to support learning.
Our RAD100, Radalert 100X, and IMI Inspector Alert are compatible with Vernier Software cables, software, learning tools and curricula. The RAD100 is essentially the same instrument as the Vernier DRM (manufactured for Vernier by IMI).