About International Medcom, Inc.
Our History as a Radiation Detection Company

IMI-International Medcom, Inc., was founded in 1986 to develop and produce high quality radiation detection instruments and systems. IMI serves individuals, institutions and communities concerned with health and safety, environmental protection, and education. IMI instruments are widely used throughout the world, and meet stringent European standards for safety, quality and accuracy.
IMI has been selected to provide community radiation monitoring systems for the community surrounding Three Mile Island, and the community surrounding the Seabrook nuclear power station. The TMI monitoring system was developed in cooperation with a blue ribbon scientific panel chaired by Dr. Karl Morgan, known as the Father of Modern Health Physics. The system was mandated by a Federal Court order, and is operated by an independent nonprofit grass roots organization, Three Mile Island Citizens’ Monitoring Network (TMI-CMN), in partnership with the City of Harrisburg. The Seabrook monitoring project is operated by C-10 Radiological Monitoring Network, also a grass roots nonprofit organization, and funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Legislature.
Technical achievements of the IMI team include a highly stable and sensitive portable gamma spectroscopy meter designed to detect smuggled Uranium 235 at borders in Khazakstan and Belarus. This project was developed under the Mutual Threat Reduction Treaty, mandated by Nunn-Lugar.
Our Commitment
Radiation detection company IMI, has been a pioneer in sustainable practices since the beginning, back in 1986. Recycling, elimination of toxic materials in manufacturing, minimization of waste, compliance of safety standards, are all part of a carefully nurtured culture within our community of shareholders, employees, and our Board of Directors.
Our Headquarters in Sebastopol, California are powered by solar panels on our rooftop. We maintain a healthy toxic-free environment for our employees. We make all of our decisions with the idea that we humans have a responsibility to leave a healthy environment for future generations. Donations of our time, instruments and knowledge have served, and continue to serve, numerous communities across the globe.
Geiger Counters & Radiation Detectors by International Medcom, Inc.
International Medcom, Inc. designs and manufactures high quality geiger counters, radiation detection instruments and environmental monitoring systems. These particle detection devices have broad applications in public health and safety, environmental protection, industrial safety, medicine, physics education, scientific research and homeland security. Geiger counters such as the Radalert® 50, Radalert®100, IMI Inspector™ and IMI Inspector Alert™ are used by many fire departments, police departments, and other emergency response agencies. Our custom-designed environmental monitoring systems are used in community radiation monitoring networks and in perimeter-monitoring security systems for public events in major metropolitan areas. Through our support of Safecast and other nonprofit organizations during the recent Fukushima disaster, radiation levels were reported and displayed on open networks before government agencies were able to respond.